Triggercise Training Kit
Price includes shipping and handling charges in the 48 continental states.
This kit includes:
Giant™ Sights
Shooting instructors use Giant™ Sights to explain the concepts of sight alignment and sight picture. They are so intuitive that students can teach themselves how to align sights.
Bungee cords
These are the elastic cords that provide resistance against movement of dummy gun or laser pistol/rifle.
The small increments on these paper targets encourage precise shots.
Triggercise™ Manual
The original book that explains the real science behind these exercises to optimize shooter training.
Exercise Chart
Easy list of Triggercise moves to simplify practice
Dummy Gun
A molded plastic replica of a standard-sized pistol to use when practicing Triggercise techniques.
Intuitive Gun Sights with Terrific Accuracy! Sight Alignment is so easy with this practice gun sight.
Note: Practice this with the dummy gun and Woosh Gun Sights or Giant Sights, as seen below.

Step 1.
Point in a safe direction

Step 2.
Make the half circles into a whole circles

Step 3.
Even up the circles
How to Align Gun Sights with Target
Note: Practice this with the dummy gun and Woosh Gun Sights or Giant Sights, as seen below.

Step 1.
Align Center Mark of the Front Sight with the Target

Step 2.
Align Rear Sight with Front Sight